7 Natural Cotton Color - Colored Organic Cotton


Organic cotton as the basis of sustainable fashion

Natural Cotton Color was founded in 1995 as streetwear fashion under the name Francisca Vieira. With the opening of imports and the arrival of textile and ready-to-wear products in Brazil, in 2005 the businesswoman identified in Paraíba the opportunity to develop a differentiated fashion project. Thus, she chooses as the basis of her creations an ecological product, naturally colored and organic cotton, whose feather is born with the color of the final product, free of chemical additives.

Compared with the manufacture of knits and flat fabrics, colored cotton can generate savings of up to 87.5% in water compared to conventional production processes. In this way, the businesswoman creates the Natural Cotton Color brand and strives to produce fashion in a way that the entire production chain is fully sustainable.

In the same year Francisca learned about the Texbrasil Program of the Brazilian Association of Textile and Apparel Industry – ABIT which, with support from the ApexBrasil Export Agency, promotes Brazilian companies interested in the international market.

At that moment, the entrepreneur invited some small companies in the region, which were also beginning to suffer from the worrying results of the avalanche of low-cost Asian products in Brazil, to form the Natural Cotton Color group. The group's objective was to develop products only from naturally colored cotton to try to enter the international market.

Initially, the group exhibited at fashion fairs in Paris and London. The acceptance was immediate, but it was accompanied by the great demand of foreign buyers for ecological and sustainable products with design, quality in the finishes and certification of organic product. This gave a boost to the development of pieces increasingly focused on the Added Value segment and to seek the first certification with international acceptance.

Today, the companies that make up the Natural Cotton Color group -- under the leadership of Francisca Vieira -- have added to their products in the women's, men's, children's and decoration segments, a veritable army of colored cotton farmers, lacemakers, embroiderers and artisans from the entire Northeast region of Brazil, especially from Paraíba. All of them work with decent remuneration and high self-esteem, thus constituting an example of a socially and ecologically sustainable Production Chain in the Brazilian fashion industry.